Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chelsie and Michaels Engagements

I forgot to upload these pictures of this happy couple. I had an amazing time capturing these moments.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tanner's Senior Pictures

Watch out world. If all senior boys graduate looking like this, you are in for a real treat!

Park City

Well this was an unexpected photo shoot to say the least. All I had on me was my little Nikon point and shoot camera. But when you see a place like this, it is impossible to pass it up without taking some pictures! Good thing I had my beautiful friend Brooke with me to make these pictures possible! Thanks Brookie

Thank goodness for self timers, and sturdy tree branches that helped me hold my camera up while I got into a couple pictures . . .

Chelsie & Michaels Wedding

Reception ~ Sleepy Ridge